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New Year, New Dangers

From crowded student parking lots to the renovations some schools seem to perpetually undergo, to the constant threat of bullying, there are many things to be cautious of as a parent or a student heading into a new school year. As a fellow parent, the last thing we want is for our kids to get hurt. However, there is always the possibility of a fight with a fellow peer, a classroom injury, or your child being found in possession of illicit substances. You will want to be preemptively informed on how to respond so you can protect your child.

When Your Student Is Injured

Spc. Ryan Trantham from the Michigan National Guard’s 156th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, Company C. earned Honor Guard status on June 2017 after undergoing 40 hours of Michigan Army National Guard, Honor Guard Training.

SMDA continues to be proud to serve Michigan veterans and congratulates Spc. Trantham on this achievement.

Related Posts: Cases in the news: Bonk v. Bonk, Ways to manage financial pitfalls during late-in-life divorce, Same-sex marriage ban, Deciding where to live after divorce

A notice to students heading to the University of Michigan this fall – don’t bring your firearm with you. In June, the Michigan Court of Appeals held that students, staff, and the general public are still banned from possessing firearms on the U of M campus.

In a 2-1 decision, the Court of Appeals ruled that the school’s 2001 ban on firearms does not violate the constitution in a case involving an Ann Arbor resident who argued that the ban did not comply with the Second Amendment. The University successfully argued that, since their campus isn’t covered by a state law saying that local governments cannot enact their own gun control regulations, the campus is not violating the Second Amendment by making their own decision on gun regulation.

The campus continues to be gun free this year for all students, staff, and other personnel- save for appointed military officials such as campus security and those who obtain a waiver for “extraordinary circumstances”.

Below is a link to an article that discusses the mortgage ramifications of filing for divorce. It is important to understand the difference between removing your name from the deed, and removing yourself from the liability of the mortgage.

Dealing with divorce: How to handle your mortgage when you split

Related Posts: Cases in the news: Bonk v. Bonk, Ways to manage financial pitfalls during late-in-life divorce, Same-sex marriage ban, Deciding where to live after divorce

The War Dog Memorial will be unveiled with a ceremony occurring this Saturday morning in Lake Orion. The monument will be dedicated to dogs that served alongside military members and will be located at the Orion Veterans Memorial in Lake Orion. The ceremony will include a salute from retired military dogs.

SMDA continues to be proud to support Michigan veterans and their furry companions.

Related Posts: Cases in the news: Bonk v. Bonk, Ways to manage financial pitfalls during late-in-life divorce, Same-sex marriage ban, Deciding where to live after divorce

Michigan native and Vietnam War veteran James McCloughan was honored for his bravery during the battle of Nui Yon Hill this Monday. He was awarded the Medal of Honor, the highest military honor possible due to saving the lives of ten men while acting as a medic during the fight. He was only 23 at the time of the 1969 battle and receives this honor at age 71, after returning home to work as a teacher and coach for 40 years.

SMDA continues to be proud of and proud to serve Michigan veterans and congratulates Mr. McCloughan on his achievement.

Related Posts: Cases in the news: Bonk v. Bonk, Ways to manage financial pitfalls during late-in-life divorce, Same-sex marriage ban, Deciding where to live after divorce

When you are considering filing for divorce, it is helpful to understand your financial situation – both individually and as a couple. You will want to have a general idea of the marital assets and debts. This will allow you to consider the amount of the assets that are subject to division, and how much debt you may be liable for. You will also want to take note of which assets you believe are premarital, and thus, are not subject to division.

In addition, it is helpful to have a general understanding of your income and your spouse’s income. This will help you evaluate whether spousal support is an option, and will be helpful in determining child support.

By understanding the assets and incomes, you are in a better position to negotiate a favorable resolution of your case. If you do not have access to the marital financial information, it can be obtained by your attorney through the discovery process. For more information on preparing for a divorce, contact the attorneys at SMDA, P.C. at (586) 264-3756.

There are several case codes that you should be familiar with when filing a family law case. The court will require different standards of proof and different procedures, depending on which type of family case is filed.

DP – A DP case is a case to establish paternity. A paternity case can be filed by either party, who is looking to establish paternity, either to initiate child support or parenting time. A paternity case is not necessary if a father is on the birth certificate, or has signed an affidavit of parentage.

DC – A DC case is filed by unmarried parents, who are looking to establish custody and/or parenting time.

Dog bites are far more common than people may think. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that in the US, 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year.

It is important to always safely interact with dogs to prevent any injuries. However, even if you are cautious and do not provoke a dog, a dog bite may occur. If you are a victim of a dog bite, you are entitled to damages, including medical costs associated with the injury. These damages are usually covered by the homeowner’s insurance.

If you, or someone you know, is a dog bite victim, call SMDA Law. Our attorneys can help you understand your rights and get you the compensation you are entitled to.

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