
Articles Posted in Custody issues


Best Interest Factors: What are they?

Whether the court is determining the initial child custody order, or modifying the order after a judgment has been entered, they will consider the “best interest factors.” The best interest factors help the referee or judge determine what custody or parenting time arrangement is truly in the best interests of…


What is an established custodial environment?

Where a change of custody is sought, the initial inquiry is whether there is an established custodial environment. An established custodial environment (ECE) is an environment of “significant duration in which a parent provides care, discipline, love, guidance, and attention that is appropriate to the age and individual needs of…


What is the difference between legal custody and physical custody?

There are two types of custody that will be determined in a custody or divorce case. Legal custody involves major decisions affecting the child, including, but not limited to schooling, healthcare, and religion. Physical custody refers to the time spent with each parent. Custody differs depending on the situation. It…


Medical Marijuana Use and Child Custody

The Medical Marijuana Act states that a person shall not be denied custody or visitation of a minor for acting in accordance with the act, unless the person’s behavior is such that it creates an unreasonable danger to the minor that can be clearly articulated and substantiated. MCL 333.26424(c). Thus,…


Bill Protects Soldiers in Child Custody Cases

A bill has been proposed to protect military members in child custody cases while serving overseas. The proposed bill responds to a Lenawee County judge’s decision to order a sailor to come to court despite him being aboard a U.S. submarine. The legislation would prohibit judges from modifying parenting time…


Same-Sex Couples Facing Issues with Divorce and Child Custody.

An article was recently published by USA Today, describing the legal issues that same-sex couples face when trying to divorce. Since not all states recognize same-sex marriages, divorce proves near impossible. Even if the couples try to divorce in a state that does recognize the marriage, they often face hurdles…


Charlie Sheen’s Custody Issues

Celebrities such as Charlie Sheen seem to constantly be in the news while their divorces or custody battlestake center stage. One wonders if that’s the way these celebrities like it while the average person doesn’t want anyone to know his/her business. In Sheen’s case, the unfortunate scenario appears to be…

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