Wage Loss Benefits

Work Loss Benefits are available to you following missed work due to your motor vehicle accident. Wage loss benefits are provided to replace lost employment income. This requires your first-party insurers to pay work loss benefits in the event of injuries causing disability from employment. The reason for this is to be compensate injured persons for the employment income that would have received if the accident had not occurred.

If you are temporarily unemployed at the time of your motor vehicle accident, work loss benefits are still available to you so long as you can show that you would have returned to work if the injury sustained in the accident had not occurred.

Keep in mind that when a claim is made for wage loss, you will be entitled to at least 85% of your income. Depending on the tax bracket you fall in, there is potential you may even receive 100% of your income! At SMDA, we will try very hard to maximize every dollar you are entitled to, call our office for a free consultation with one of our Auto Accident Attorneys!

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