
There is more to VA benefits than just disability benefits

Most veterans, in Michigan, are aware that the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) provides benefits to those who suffer from “service” related injuries, illnesses, or disabilities. However, most veteran’s are unaware that the VA also provides “pension” benefits. Pension benefits are benefits provided to veterans that suffer from non-service related injuries, illnesses, or disabilities. These benefits can be provided to veterans based on criteria that are surprisingly easy to meet for most veterans.

The classification of these benefits is almost a misnomer in itself. Most believe that to qualify for pension benefits a veteran must retire from active service or see combat duty. This is not the case. In fact these benefits are rather loosely related to military service.

The minimal required qualifications required to become eligible for these benefits include:

* Service in the United States Armed forces for a period of at least ninety (90) days * One day of service during a defined period of conflict (not actual combat)
* A medical need or income need
Of course there are other requirements which may be better explained to veterans by individuals accredited with the VA; service organizations; or a qualified Michigan elder law attorney.

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