
Articles Posted in Michigan DUI Laws


What Your Michigan DUI Attorney Needs to Know to Effectively Represent You

You have completed your due diligence in your quest to find a Michigan DUI attorney. You have a meeting scheduled to discuss your case. What information do you need to be prepared to discuss and what documentation should you bring? When you were arrested, you were likely taken into custody…


Crossing into Canada with a DUI Conviction…

Canada is a strong economic partner not only to the United States, but more specifically with those states that border Canada, including Michigan. Many Michigan residents frequently travel to and from Canada to work for either short, or longer periods of time. The attorneys at SMDA regularly counsel clients who…


What Every Michigan Driver Should Know Before Driving After Consuming Alcohol

Punishment for drinking-and-driving offenses in Michigan reflect a growing national trend toward a stricter approach that picked up momentum during the early 1990s. Offenders now face losing their licenses for longer periods, stiffer fines and costs, and even the possibility of vehicle immobilization or forfeiture. The stakes are even greater…


Do You Know Why I Pulled You Over?

This is a very frightening question. What follows can be equally scary. The flash of the lights in the background from the squad car tells you that this is going to be a long night. The first thing that your Michigan DUI lawyer should do when interviewing you or when…

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